Thursday, 10 June 2010

A blocked blog


What do you call writer’s block in the blogosphere? Bloggerblock? Cyberstumm? Encopensis? It’s hard not to come up with something that doesn’t sound like l’ve been sitting on the toilet squeezing hard for the last six months. I haven’t. I’ve been writing away furiously but somehow just didn’t feel I had anything worth sharing on the blog.

Was it was the mind-numbing boredom of writing brochure’s on Insurance Software (not just insurance, not just software, but the two combined!)? No that had me desperate to do something fun.

Was it the Guide to Poo? An A2 planner with everything you needed to know about kiddie constipation and encopresis (hence my medically erudite pun at the top). No that was truly fun. I even managed to incorporate a “Get the Poo to the Loo” maze game.

Was it the TWO (yes TWO) books I wrote in March and April. Surely writing two books for certain publication would unblock my blog faster than caustic soda?

Or was it going to the Somerset Children’s Festival in March where I was surrounded by people who made a real living from their books and made me feel completely inadequate. Even the school students at Somerset College were so prodigiously talented they made Glee seemed almost realistic. That would explain the last few months but not the months leading up to March.

At the end of the day, when all’s said and done, it is what it is and there’s no use crying over spilled cliches. I simply didn’t feel like sharing. Whether that’s selfish or a blessed relief is not up to me.

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